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About Us

      NearestStores was created to act as a bridge between advertisers and customers who have interest in similar goods or services. At, advertisers can create a community of customers who want to purchase similar products and keep them updated on the new additions to a store. The community of customers can include people in a certain age group or geographic area. The website is perfect for buyers who want to know more about the advertiser(seller) as they cna check ot the feedback of previous customers, profiles, new store additions, sales and much more. As a connecting medium between customers and sellers, aims to be the one stop destination for buyers who want to learn more about their favorite stores from the comfort of their homes or on the move as they can also check the website through their smart phones. Customers can also narrow down their search criteria to find exactly what they are looking for in a certain geographic area, price range and product category. This feature is especially helpful when a person is visiting a new area and they don't know much about the stores in that area. Through, customers can check out the products available at the store before they actually visit the store and save their time in looking for the exact product.
The sellers can also create a page for their online store to give customers all the information about the various discounts and offers available at their store. This gives customers an added incentive to come and visit the store to buy the products they are looking for. At NearestStores, we look forwards to giving you a stellar shopping experience. Please browse through our website for details or contact us today to know more about the complete range of services we provide.
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